Monday, April 27, 2009

Empty Spaces

My daughter took this picture with her cell phone camera.  

This table at the Wayfarer Restaurant in Cannon Beach has to have one of the best views (Haystack Rock) of any table in the world.  And no one is sitting there enjoying it.  Sad.

The More Things Change...

My mother sent me this editorial cartoon that appeared in the Chicago Tribune in 1934.  

Saturday, April 25, 2009

FBRD Video

Here is the Fire Breathing Rubber Duckies research presentation for the 2009 Lego robotics challenge.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

2009 FIRST LEGO® League United States Open Championship

The Fire Breathing Rubber Duckies will be representing the State of Oregon at the FIRST LEGO® League United States Open Championship in Dayton, OH May 7-9, 2009 at Wright State University. The Duckies won first place in the Oregon competition in January. Good luck Ducks!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Thoughts After a Remembrance

I just got back from New York City, where I had driven for the funeral remembrance of an Aunt who had passed away. She died after living alone for most of her life.

This week has been full of loss, and reminders of loss, in subtle and not-so-subtle ways.

Take time to do something nice for someone this week. Bring some happiness to someone unexpectedly.

And let's all hope that if we have regrets, that we can make things right while we still have the chance.

Smile Train

Please donate to this worthy cause. I don't know why this charity has always pulled at my heartstrings, but it has. Please donate if you can. As I recall, 100% of the donations they receive go to funding operations. All overhead and fundraising expenses are funded by other sources. A few years ago I got fed up by the charities that my work was selecting for our corporate donations to go do, because the overhead expense ratio was so high. I came across Smile Train and started donating to them. It's nice to know that your money is changing someone's life and is not just generating more direct mail or funding a phone bank.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Neon Aftershock

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Squeeze Bacon !!!!

Ah, science. What can't it accomplish? The Swedish Squeez Bacon technology has now been applied to US swine. You can order Squeez Bacon from

Here is a video of the Swedish commercial for SqueezBacon.

The English subtitles are hilarious:

"Masculine kind, is your breadmeat lackluster, leaving your satisfaction the no?"

"Modern ladies, is not preparing of the smoked swine the mess and unpleasing?"

April Fools!!!

Government Auto Repair Centers

Hilarious! Video from Reason.